Lets make your

website impressive!?

Let’s make your website impressive!

I'm Trusted by 1 brand Curently, Let me work with yours!

Web Design Wisconsin, Branding, SEO & Development

Hello There! I am Elijah 🙂

Hey there! I’m a web developer from Marathon City, Wisconsin, who’s passionate about crafting awesome websites. I thrive on continuous learning, always diving into new technologies and design trends to keep my skills sharp. Whether it’s coding up a storm or perfecting the pixel-perfect design, I’m always up for the challenge. Let’s build something amazing together!


Years’ Experience

designing websites


Projects Completed

For An Amazing Client


5 Star Review

From An Amazing Client


Build Out Process

STEP 1: Discovery & Planning

First things first, I’ll really get into the nitty-gritty of what makes your business tick – your goals, your audience, all that good stuff. We’ll chat, I’ll do some snooping around, and we’ll figure out exactly what you need. Then, armed with that knowledge, I’ll start planning out how your website’s gonna be structured. That means thinking about what pages you’ll have, what features you need (like maybe a contact form or an online store), and how it’s all gonna look.

STEP 2: Concept & Development

Now comes the fun part – bringing your website to life! Based on our discussions and research, I’ll start sketching out some design ideas. We’ll work together to pick the ones you love the most. And while we’re doing that, I’ll also start setting up the technical stuff behind the scenes – think of it as laying the foundation for your website to sit on. We’ll talk about things like what platform to build it on (like WordPress or Shopify), what tools to use, and how it’s all gonna work together.

STEP 3: Creation & Integration

With the design nailed down, it’s time to start filling in the blanks. We’ll work together to create content that really speaks to your audience and gets them excited about what you’re offering. At the same time, I’ll be working on the technical side of things – setting up the backend, making sure everything’s running smoothly, and maybe even integrating a content management system (CMS) so you can easily update your site whenever you need to.


STEP 4: Polish and Launch

Once everything’s in place, it’s time to give your website a final polish. I’ll make sure everything looks great, works perfectly, and is super easy to use. Then, with your seal of approval, we’ll launch that baby into the world! I’ll take care of all the technical stuff – setting up your domain, making sure your hosting is sorted, all that jazz. And even after your site is live, I’ll be here to provide ongoing support and maintenance, so you can focus on running your business while I keep your website running smoothly.



What My

Clients Say

What My Clients Say

"Elijah designed a gorgeous, easy-to-use website for my photography. It perfectly captures my style and has already wowed my clients. Highly recommended!"
Elizabeth, Dandelion Soul Studio